Biyernes, Oktubre 17, 2014

Sometimes You Make Me Feel Like
I'm Alone and That I never Have you In My Life
That there is No You And Me.

Miyerkules, Hunyo 11, 2014

I just couldn't Explain

Everytime I see you Smile it makes me sad
knowing that i'm not the reason why </3

Lunes, Hunyo 9, 2014

A Kiss from the Heart is Love

a kiss from the Person You Love
feels 1000 times more greater
than just kissing someone you intended to Fling

I know

I know it when you hold me

You don't want to let me go

Always ...

I will still Love You
Even though I know
You couldn't love me back
The way I do


I may have let you go
but this feelings of mine
How come this still remain

the colors of my life

My Life used to have as many colors as the Rainbow
But now, that you left I can even barely see a shadow in my life

You keep on Breaking Me

I thought I have moved on successfully
But then I again When I saw you with another girl
I broke into Pieces , once again

Miyerkules, Hunyo 4, 2014

Dear Mind and Heart

Dear Mind,
Please have some rest and stop thinking about him every second of everyday,
Because he might not do the same.
Dear Heart,
Please give yourself a break and try to minimize your beat everytime My Mind thinks of Him,
Because he might not do the same ....


Today I was Born
Today History has been Made

Please miss Me too

I'm longing to see you
Even though it does not matter to you

It is everything that I want to
Which is to be with you

Loving is...

When you love someone
you just don't love their good characteristics
You also have to love their imperfections
Inside and Outside

True Happiness is Unmeasurable

Happiness cannot be measured
by how many laughs you see
Because Sometimes
it takes just a single Smile
to express A million laughter from the Heart.


Why is it so easy to destroy it
When in took you so long Just to build it.
Is it just me or
My Day is Just really getting better and better
When You are Around

A Must

Take away all your hatreds
And Go Try TO Love Again ^_^

Those days

I miss those times in which

You Make me Smile Everyday


Smiles are given to those who Knows how to smile back

Painful Reflection

Everytime I look at the Mirror It makes me sad
knowing that the reason why we can't be together
is reflecting in front of me....

The Game Of Love

EVERYone could be a PLAYER
and the MAJOR rule is to LOVE and be LOVED
those who Fail to follow the Rules are called CHEAters

and so U want to play this game with me?

Crying Inside

because my heart is so heavy and i'm just pretending to act better


Yesterday was a dream.
Today is reality.

Its Time we wake up from a dream...

Martes, Hunyo 3, 2014

Pretentious Me

A high flier I may seem
But down to earth I am seen
Between Scylla and Charybdis
I struggle to survive this
This agonizing pain I keep
So find me in a Crouchy deep
And found out
that a hard-boiled me
was just an image of
a chicken hearted bee

The sun will cry
In every step I try
To reach that mighty sky
But what? I always die
So I asked God why
I always fail in every try
to Finish a Herculean Task
a Task to survive life.
Oh, i am so Quixotic
Yeah I am so Dramatic

Pretending Everyday
was a red-letter-day
Gosh, I'm running out of Crocodile Tears
To this Swan Song that I badly share
So maybe Ill just have a forty-winks
So that tomorrow once again
Argus-eyed Ill watch
That elusive dream I want

That Famous Lines Though

are you single?



Feeling Sad For Myself

That feeling when you feel sad for yourself. . . 

happens to me all the time.
I tried to be strong . . . 
But my weakness is stronger. . . 

That's why i need God in my life 

for i know i couldn't be stronger by my own 

Temporary Catastrophe

There were times when I'm depressed
Where I just want to munch and Rest
To ease this feelings at its best
To comfort this horses at my breast
The colours of Darkness i'm impressed
Oh, i'm even hiding at its crest

And who would dare to see and Look
This crazy path that I have took
When darkness fill my lonely book
My book where ending starts 
And beginnings were considered pasts
Of a sparkling figure on an empty vast

But then again my temporary madness
Turns to tiredness
And even evolves to endness
It fades like maggots
Slowly crawling to their holes
To sacred places at their homes

And yet beware for it just blows
And show in unexpected times
To earn the prices and the Dimes

Just a Broken Dream

You walk so sure
In a path Unpure
Delighted with a smile
Even if run a mile

Oh,your face just glows
In my mind it shows
God! A masterpiece
of a handful kiss

Fishing I am in a sea of Dreams
Hoping to catch even just your Glimps

But Heaven disagrees
To this awful wish
And all I got were
Broken Dreams 

The Truth behind

I may Look Happy
But the Truth is...

I am a Sad person
I Smile to Hide the Pain
and I Laugh Hard so
the Tears won't fall

I wish you were here

This silence is killing me
Never have I heard any news about you
No text, no call, nothing
Just me and my head on the phone

As i creep into the darkness of this night
I found nothing but just
myself starring in the mirror
I've seen Sadness in my face

And I couldn't find my smile anywhere
And i thought to myself
Maybe that incredible smile of mine
Exists only when you are around...
When I'm with you

Oh, how I wish you were here
Beside me
Holding my hand as I walk silently
In the path of darkness

But wishes are the things that only happened in dreams, right?

I'm so tired of this matter,
So I'm just gonna shut my eyes now
Washing away the tears of my heart.

I never forgot you

I've run a thousand years 
and  have Cried a million tears 
and yet I never found new 
I never forgot you

Summer Tear

I shed a tear
On a summer year
A lonely season which I fear

To a boy I weep
On a crouchy deep
I felt this agonizing pain i keep

I felt so down
On a crowdy town
While that man wears his lovely crown

I sat on the side
Of my gloomy ride
Down to my feet there i Cried

"Shed not a tear 
For I am here 
in this season which we dear!"

Shocked I was 
To hear a fuss
In front of me 
There he was

Then i know I'm not alone
That feeling that i thought I've known
Was just an image of my Past all gone

My Inspiration

You are my inspiration yesterday
You are my inspiration today
but always remember this
Tomorrow is another day